
Saturday, September 15, 2012

DICE 0.4 Released

DICE 0.4 has been released! Changes in this version:
  • Two new games supported: Stunt Cycle, Pong Doubles
  • Minor bug-fixes in several games

Download Links
64-bit Windows version (Recommended, runs about 30% faster than the 32-bit build)
32-bit Windows version
Source Code



  1. **IS*** there actually a rom for stunt cycle??

  2. Thanks for the great release. Found the graphics roms; Stunt Cycle is awesome! Look forward to sound in Stunt Cycle and enjoy seeing DICE evolve.

  3. Hi there. Great game. Would love to have the graphics rom for this game. Been waiting for emulation of Stunt Cycle for years. I used to love playing it when I was at school..

  4. Amazing emulator. Is there any chance you can the input to exit the game configurable? Using on an arcade cabinet full-screen with a joypad interface makes you have to grab a real keyboard press the ESC key. Hope to see Death Race somebody!

  5. Great Stuff. Thank you for your excellent work here.

    I just completed a blog article about the best arcade emulation software available and included DICE:

    I hope you approve. I feel DICE is one of the top 7 or 8 emulators for arcade purists to include in their builds.

  6. I would really appreciate if you could include in the next update the game breakout, I think from 1976. That is such a classic game, the first bat and paddle game, it really invented a genre. There are no videos of it on youtube or anything because you cant play it in mame. So please if you can include it in the next update, I would really like to play it. Thanks man, awesome work!

  7. Thank you very very much for this great emu. Keep on with the good work.

  8. You are AMAZING!!! Very, very, very good work man!!!
    Hope that your work will continue in this way!!! It's awesome!!! :D
